We come into the world with an immediate need for touch—to feel safe and comforted. Touch is often described as our “first language,” and it remains essential throughout life. In our elder years, our other senses diminish (sight, hearing, smell, taste), giving touch extra importance. Think of your loved one: Has widowhood or isolation left them few options for physical contact? They may be experiencing “touch hunger.”
The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the crucial importance of touch. Recall the poignant pressing of hands to windowpanes? And the “cuddle curtains” people concocted, adding sleeves to shower curtains so they could safely hug family members.
Touch supports overall health. Research shows that friendly touch releases hormones that reduce stress and anxiety, bolster immunity, improve sleep and mood, and reduce pain. If your loved one has dementia, touch helps reduce depression and angry outbursts. Pets can provide similar benefits. Adding touch therapies and physical contact to your relative’s routine can significantly enhance their overall mental and physical health. (And are you getting enough touch?)
Ways to add gentle touch to your loved one’s life
- Offer a handshake or an arm for support.
- Give a meaningful hug when appropriate.
- Dance together, swing and sway just for the fun of it!
- Apply lotion to hands, arms, and feet. (Consider switching roles to allow them the joy of giving touch as well.)
- If a live-in pet is not an option, consider asking if there’s a pet therapy service in the area. Even robotic pets can offer many of the same benefits.
- Consider professional massage therapy, even just for head and shoulders or legs and feet. Many providers will come to the home.
Permission. Some individuals are not comfortable with spontaneous touch or may feel surprised. When initiating touch, ensure it is welcome by making eye contact, asking permission, and observing body language.